The Practical Pagan
The Practical Pagan MM, Ave, 96's, hellos, and all greetings. Welcome to my blog on living your religion as a pagan.I will state frankly that I saw myself and others becoming the classic, "sabbath-go-to-meeting" that I had so despised in my parents as Christians.I realized that I had slipped into that mindless state of going to Sabbats (when it was convenient) and then allowing my religion to just lay dormant until next Sabbat when I might wax enthusiastic for a day or two.Please try to keep in mind that I am a retired High Priestess of the Wiccan faith with a bad habit of putting things in Wiccan terminology. Please feel free to translate to your own belief system.If I use a term you don't know, forgive me and ask if you can't puzzle it out. LET'S SYNCHRONIZE OUR DEFINITIONS Belief: 1) acceptance of the truth or actuality of anything without certain proof. In other words, FAITH. You believe a certain way without having proof that it is the absolute (or only) ...