I'm proud of this quilt. So proud, I'm bragging on two of my blogs, even my writing blog! LOL!! I got the pattern from AllPeopleQuilt.com: http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/projects-ideas/baby-quilts/easy-panel-quilt_1.html Next time, I'm going to challenge myself to do this quilt: http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=5696618433555351838 Did you know quilting and other needle arts can be charms? Yup, and they were for centuries. With love and blessings in every stitch, how could they not be? That's why there are wedding quilts, quilts for baby, and the latest trend-- quilts for soldiers. National Quilting Day is March 20, and you can bet I'll be at my machine after I get off work. Here's the best free pattern I've found for all those charities (pink ribbons instead of yellow, for instance): http://nqaquilts.org/nqday/nqday2010.php That pattern is merely squares sewn together, so it's easy for anyone. You can do it! Need help? Go to any good ...