Gallery Glass Holiday Snowflake Ornament

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Project Pattern

Stained Glass Snowflake Ornament

Brian Carter

This project is not available online. Please check with your retailer for supplies.


16008 - Gallery Glass ® Window Color™ - Kelly Green, 2 oz.
16025 - Gallery Glass ® Liquid Leading™ - Black, 2 oz.
16442 - Gallery Glass ® Window Color™ - Glitter Hologram, 2 oz.
16456 - Gallery Glass ® Window Color™ - Morning Glory, 2 oz.

3mm flat round glass ornament
Pencil Paper
1” wide sheer silver ribbon (12” piece)

1. Print out the pattern or create your own by tracing around the ornament and drawing your design inside the circle.2. Put ornament on top of the pattern and trace the shape with Liquid Leading. Outline outside edge of ornament with Liquid Leading. Let dry completely.
3. Fill in the snowflake with Hologram Glitter. Use a toothpick to smooth the color to all the edges and remove air bubbles.
4. Fill in the background with Kelly Green and Morning Glory. Use toothpick to swirl colors together. Let dry completely.
5. Thread ribbon through hole in ornament and tie in a bow.


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