A Breath of Spring -- The Herb Wreath

The directions
come from "Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs", pages 130-131.
I highly recommend this book as being fairly comprehensive, not only
listing the Latin name of the plant, but in most instances, also some uses
for each.

Start your herb wreath in the spring when you have an abundance of
young plants to choose from. The wreaths become circular herb gardens
one happens to hang on the wall. During the summer, they thrive hanging
outside. When they come in for a visit, lying on a tray of stones, a
hurricane lamp in the center, they make a fragrant centerpiece.
1. Soak several handfuls of sphagnum (not milled!!!) in water
until wet throughout, about 15 minutes. Cut a strip of 1/2-inch
mesh chicken wire 12 inches wide and 30 inches long with tin
snips. Bend the long sides of the wire, so they curl up to form
a trough. Squeeze enough water out of the sphagnum, so it
won't drench the table while you work; then pack it tightly in
the trough. A good dense mass of sphagnum will give the
plants a firm base and will hold water well.
2. Bend the trough sides together until they overlap slightly to
form a sausage. Fasten the sides together by bending the loose
prongs (sticking out where the mesh was cut) to form little
hooks that can catch in the mesh hole on the opposite side of
the seam. Do the same with the ends of the sausage to form
the wreath shape.
3. Make several little wells in the sphagnum, evenly spaced
about the wreath, by poking through the wire. Plant a young
herb seedling
in each, anchoring wayward runners with
hairpins, if necessary. Use plants from 3-inch pots whose
creeping stems are about 6 inches long. Choose plants boldly
for striking effects.
4. Hang the wreath in strong but in direct sunlight, like the west
side of your house. When the moss starts to dry out, soak the
whole wreath for 15 minutes in a tub of water with a dash of
plant fertilizer. If the herb tendrils start growing in odd
directions, prune them back or wire/hair pin them into shape.
In about six weeks, you should have a fully covered wreath.

Recommendation from Lena: Have tin snips, thick work gloves, and
needle-nose pliers
handy to help you shape the wreath.

For Culinary Wreath: Chives (Plant at bottom center of wreath if wreath
is to be hung) Creeping sage Marjoram Oregano Thymes (especially
creeping wooly thyme)

For Fragrant Wreath: Lavender Prostrate rosemary Santolina Scented
geranium To Add Color: Marigold Petunia

Living herbs are available in the nursery now, here in the Deep South.
Please keep an eye on your local nursery as they go fast


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