Fw: Jerry Baker's What's Growin' On October Newsletter

 Look at these great tips for fall! I love and use Jerry's "Yarden" Tonics. They really do seem to help.



The air is getting crisper, the days are getting shorter, and the beautiful leaves are just starting to show their stunning fall colors. Before you know it, your Halloween jack-o'-lantern will make way for Jack Frost, who'll leave his telltale calling card all over your yard and garden. So visit the cider mill and bring home the fixin's to treat yourself to our delicious homemade applesauce. And don't worry about all those bees and yellow jackets—keep 'em at bay with a few of my easy tricks. Above all else, get out and enjoy the weather while you can because Old Man Winter will be here sooner than you think!











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Why not try something different for Halloween this year, and carve up a turnip lantern (or two!) to hang out on the porch along with your pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns? It's easy—here's how to do it:

  1. Find a big, round turnip—the bigger and rounder, the better.

  2. About a quarter of the way down, slice off the top completely.

  3. Scoop out the insides with a spoon. Make the shell as thin as you can without breaking the skin. Leave a layer of flesh on the bottom. In it, hollow out a socket for a candle.

  4. With a very sharp, fine knife, etch a design on the turnip. Be careful not to cut through the skin—it's a lot thinner than a pumpkin shell, and if it's broken, your lantern will collapse.

  5. Push a candle into the socket.

  6. With an awl or a nail, poke a hole on each side, about an inch or so down from the top.

  7. Thread wire or sturdy cord through the holes to make a handle. Be sure to keep it long enough so you don't burn your hand when you hold on to it.

  8. Light the candle carefully, using a long fireplace match.

  9. Hang it up outside on Halloween night for all the little trick-or-treaters to enjoy!

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It turns out that there's a lot of truth to the old adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. A recent Finnish study shows that men and women who ate one apple every day had a lower risk of embolic stroke (the kind caused by a tiny blood clot blocking an artery in the brain) than those who were half-hearted in their apple munching. So here's the rest of the skinny on apples: They help your body battle cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol, as well as stroke. Plus, just one little apple every day promotes regularity. And let's face it, we can all do with a little regularity!

This recipe for Chunky French Applesauce is a great way to get your delicious daily dose. Enjoy it as a side dish, or top your morning waffles with it.

Place 4 apples (washed, cored, and cut into bite-size chunks), 1/3 cup of raisins, 1/4 cup of coarsely chopped walnuts, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1/8 teaspoon of ground nutmeg, and 1/2 cup of water in a heavy saucepan. Bring the contents to a boil, then cover the pan and reduce the heat to low. Simmer until the apples are fork-tender, stirring occasionally. Serve the applesauce warm or cold. (Yield: Four servings.)

For even more tasty tidbits and marvelous morsels, check out my New Healing Foods book—FREE for 21 days. It's just what the doctor ordered to cure whatever ails you. For a Free 21-Day Preview, click here.

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Experts are getting the word out before the next wave of swine flu hits: Stay healthy by washing your hands with soap several times a day. But all that lathering, rinsing, and drying sure can take a toll on your hands, leaving them rough, dry, and scaly.

You could treat yourself to one of those store-bought, super-duper hand lotions, but buying pricey potions can make your wallet sing the blues. So here's a DIY concoction that'll leave your hands soft and smooth, while keeping your wallet fat and happy:

Boil 1 tablespoon of dried rosemary, 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, and 4 cups of water in a small, uncovered pan over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature, and then strain. Store the liquid in a bottle and refrigerate, then apply the healing tonic with a cotton ball (or, if you have a spray bottle, you can spray it on instead), and let your hands air-dry.

For even more terrific tips and money-saving secrets, check out my Home, Health & Garden Problem Solver 2009 book—FREE for 21 days. It's filled with plenty of thrifty secrets for livin' the good life on the cheap. For a Free 21-Day Preview, click here.

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This month's winning tip comes from Ray S., of British Columbia, who shared his earth-friendly gardening secret:

"I use hydrogen peroxide to sanitize all of my plant tools before using them. A quick swipe of 3% hydrogen peroxide kills all of the bacteria that tend to linger on the tools. And if you can find 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, mix it with equal parts water and use it to wash all of your freshly picked garden vegetables before eating them."

Thanks, Ray, and thanks to everyone who entered. And if you haven't entered our contest yet, what are you waiting for? We'll draw a new winner next month, so click here to send us your entry now.

Here's some more terrific tips we received this month:

"After having my dog sprayed 8 times by a skunk, I finally found a deodorizing solution that really works. Scope® peppermint—flavored mouthwash not only does a great job of sudsing up on my dog's fur and breaking through the foul-smelling oil, it also leaves her smelling minty fresh for several days! Pour the mouthwash over the dog's body, and rub it into the fur. Use a mouthwash-soaked washcloth on the dog's face, and be extra careful around the eyes." Barbara Ann D., NY

"I use this home remedy whenever I'm troubled by toenail fungus. Twice a day, I cover my affected toe with cornmeal, and wrap it up with gauze or cheesecloth. Then I soak my foot in a warm water bath." Josie A., TX

"I love using sugar scrubs to get my skin silky smooth. But boy are they pricey! So here's my homemade version: Mix just enough olive oil and sugar to make a grainy paste, step into the shower stall, and slather it on your skin. Massage it in to any extra rough spots—like elbows, knees, and hands—then turn on the water and rinse the scrub away." Teresita M., NJ

"I fill a plastic bottle with baking soda and use it in the shower as an underarm scrub. About a handful in each armpit removes built-up deodorant and works with a fresh after-shower application of deodorant to fight off bodyodor." Rebecca B., CA

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Warm weather weekends are coming to an end, so the time to clean the outside of your house is now. Here's a handy recipe for a general, all-purpose cleaner that'll get the job done on almost any surface—from stucco to aluminum siding, and even a concrete patio. Plus, you should already have everything you need in your garage, basement, or laundry room.

Mix 1/3 cup of powdered laundry detergent, 2/3 cup of powdered household detergent, and 1 gallon of water together in a bucket. Put on a pair of rubber gloves, grab a long-handled bristle brush, and you're good to go. Note: If you're cleaning something that's mildewed, use less water and add about a pint of household bleach.

For more handy household helpers, check out my Cleaning Magic book—FREE! It's filled with terrific tips that'll keep your home sweet home in tip-top shape. For a Free 21-Day Preview, click here.

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Here's one surefire way to tell it's fall when you step outside—the bees and yellow jackets are everywhere (especially at the cider mill). So how can you enjoy the last outings of the season with all the buzzin' going on? Here's a few ideas that just might curb the insects' enthusiasm:

  • Lay plates of freshly sliced cucumber several feet away from where people will be eating. Bothersome bugs will be attracted to the cukes, and leave your barbecue chicken alone.
  • Tie a fabric softener sheet to a belt loop or to the back of your ball cap. Bees and yellow jackets can't stand the smell of the stuff.
  • Make a trap out of an empty 2-liter bottle. Cut a banana peel into strips and put them into the bottle, along with 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of vinegar. Pour water into the bottle until it's about 3/4 full. Set or hang the open bottle near where you've seen lots of stinging insects. They'll be attracted to the bottle's sweet contents, but when they fly into the bottle they'll get stuck in the sticky mix.

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If you follow my time-tested regimen for putting your lawn to bed this fall, you'll be able to rest easy all winter long knowing that your turf is snoozing away happily under its snowy blanket. First off, apply my Fall Clean-Up Tonic to fend off snow mold, fungus, and any other wintertime nasties.

To make the tonic, mix 1 cup of baby shampoo, 1 cup of antiseptic mouthwash, 1 cup of tobacco tea, and 1 cup of chamomile tea in a bucket. Then add 2 cups of the mixture to a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer, filling the balance of the jar with warm water. Overspray your turf when the temperature is above 50°F. (To make tobacco tea, place half a handful of chewing tobacco in an old nylon stocking and soak it in a gallon of hot water until the mixture is dark brown.)

Within a week or so of applying my Fall Clean-Up Tonic, follow up with your regular lawn feeding and a dose of my Last Supper Tonic.

Mix 1/2 can of beer, and 1/2 cup each of apple juice, Gatorade®, urine, fish emulsion, ammonia, regular cola (not diet), and baby shampoo in a large bucket. Pour the mix into a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer, and apply to your lawn to the point of run-off. This tonic softens up dry fertilizer mix, so that your lawn can easily digest the nutrients all winter long.

My Hose-End Sprayers are specially designed for applying all of my tonics, so you can get the job done right the first time, every time. For a Free 21-Day Trial of my Hose-End Sprayer Set, plus a Free Gift, click here.

Need more potions and lotions for growing a lush lawn? In my Terrific Garden Tonics book, you'll find everything you need to know—FREE for 21 days! For a Free 21-Day Preview, click here.

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The traditional gathering up of fall leaves is a gardening ritual that some of us love and some of us hate. No matter which camp you're in, these tips will make the job easier:

  • Use a plastic snow shovel to push leaves into piles. The shovel will slide smoothly over the grass, and it's easier on your shoulders than raking.

  • Lay a large, empty cardboard box on its side on the lawn. With your gloved hands, rake the leaves into the box, and then drag the boxed leaves to their destination.

  • Hold a garbage can lid in each hand and clamp clumps of piled-up leaves between them. Transfer the clumps to a yard waste bag or garden cart.

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Jerry Baker
53400 Grand River Ave.
New Hudson, Michigan 48165
