craft to Craft: Halloween Eyeball Silverware to your Altar Ware

Okay! As I said on my old blog...
This is a fun craft for Halloween, but the creativity can go much farther than a mere day. Think of your other holidays. Think of your stemware being wrapped with colorful Sculpey and perhaps crystals embedded in it.
Think of the rest of your altarware. Could your athame use a bit of sprucing up? How about the bolline, incense burner, or offering plate? How about a bit of razzle dazzle for each Sabbat?
Envision this: Your Beltane set now has a goblet with a green base and a green "vine" that wraps up to the bottom of the bowl. You found tiny strawberry buttons in the crafts center, and a little glue adheres them to the base of your goblet. You found a green plate at the thrift store and adhered a few strawberries to it as well. (Or, you found a really ugly plate with an interesting shape and painted it with a ceramic paint like PermEnamel.) Two large balls of Sculpey had a taper candle jammed into them and removed before baking and now hold your green candles. See where I'm going with this?
Even I could roll up a few purple balls of Sculpey and pile them together to make some "grapes" for Mabon. A little glue and some silk grape leaves and I have a unique offering plate. Two large purple ball shapes covered by a pile of small purple ball shapes looks like the grapes could hold the candles, if you made a holding place for the candles.
Okay, now go out on a limb and do the Silver Sculpey with lots of moon shapes. Again, round silver balls with taper candle holes jammed into them make great Full Moon altar ware.
Have a ball! A Sculpey ball, that is.


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